Moving Companies Columbus OH
Sifting through the moving companies Columbus OH has to offer? We know that choosing a moving company is not as simple of a task as it should be. Therefore, our moving company not only does it’s best on moves, but we also do our best to help Columbus residents pick great movers. There are two reasons we like to help in this manner. First and foremost it is due to the fact that we owe everything to the great people of Columbus. Without you, we would not be the well-rounded moving company today.
The second reason we like to help is if you do not pick our moving company for some reason, we want to make sure you are able to work with another reputable moving company in Columbus. This page will give you tips about how to choose the right moving company and avoid the less reputable moving companies. If you are looking for a mover in Columbus and want a quote, call us to get an estimate or schedule a move. Additionally, feel free to fill out the request an estimate form on our website. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Checklist
- Are They Licensed? – “Licensed for what?” Licensed in the state as a business and as a mover. The state of Ohio spends large sums of money each and every year protecting the great residents of Columbus from unlicensed companies. Unlicensed companies and movers are much more likely to be unethical. People and companies that break the law are never the right ones to hire. Check The Ohio State Business Filing Portal to make sure any mover you hire is listed. If you do not find their name, ask if they operate under any other business names. Sometimes companies operate under a DBA (doing business as). Our company for instance is filed under American Itallian Moving which is quite a lengthy business name. That is why we operate under AIM Moving Services. Many other companies may operate under another name for similar purposes.
- How Big Is Their Company? – When it comes to moving companies, bigger does not always mean better. A moving company is only a good as their least watched employee. The less oversight there is within a company, the more time it is going to take to move you. What should easily be a 4 hour move with 3 guys could turn into a 6 hour move if one of the movers is not doing their part. Running a moving company takes a lot of oversight. The larger a company becomes, the more employees, management and oversight is needed.
Maximizing Profits While Minimizing Customer Care
Additionally the moving industry is not the most profitable industry. No one gets into the moving industry to get rich. Most of our business expenses such as fuel are fixed expenses, meaning that there is no way to save money on the item. Therefore, there are only a few ways moving companies can maximize their profits. Almost all of the methods of cutting costs are at the customers expense. Here are a few examples of how moving companies try to maximize profits.
Cutting Costs at Your Expense
It seems like most moving companies cut costs the most when it comes to labor. Labor is the biggest expense to a moving company. Therefore, in an effort to increase profits, large moving companies typically hire employees that are willing to be paid very little. Does that mean the savings will get passed on to you? Absolutely not. The only moving company employees that are willing to be paid so little for such grueling work have no experience or cannot be hired elsewhere (criminal record). The likelihood of theft and damage to your belongings increases exponentially with a large moving company.
What Time Is It?
One of the other ways a moving company can increase their profits is by taking their sweet time during a move. There are quality moving companies that are able to stay busy almost year around. These moving companies have a solid reputation in the Columbus community. While the moving companies with a poor reputation get much fewer jobs. The moving companies with poor reputations take their sweet time on moving jobs. Afterall, they don’t have any other jobs to get to after yours. You might see one of the three guys disappear for long periods of time. Additionally there will probably be one of them that does a lot of “supervising.” You will likely get frustrated once the cost of your move doubles due to their lackadaisical efforts. Therefore you will likely go online to discover others have had the same experience and leave a negative review for them as well.
You Don’t Have What?
It seems silly, but it happens. Some moving companies Columbus has to offer try cutting costs by not buying proper materials or tools. No dollies? Yes, it happens. No padded blankets? Yes, it happens. No boxes? Yes, it happens. No bubble wrap? Yes, it happens. Our company is never surprised my the stories we hear of unprepared moving companies. It seems like we have heard it all before, afterall we have been in the industry for over 25 years. First of all these moving supplies cost very little. Secondly, the lack of these supplies will likely lead to a bad customer experience. If a moving company is unwilling to invest a small amount of money in their own company so they can provide a better moving experience, they should not be hired.
The Only Real Way to Be a More Profitable Moving Company
First and foremost there are only a couple of things a moving company can do to increase profitablity without alienating customers. Great moving companies are very organized and well prepared. The more well prepared a moving company is, the quicker they will be able to move your belongings. Additionally, the company will be less likely to damage your things. As a result the moving company is able to provide a better customer experience. Therefore the moving company will be able to get more customers without spending money on advertising. Word-of-mouth business is the best form of advertising because it is free. In conclusion the only real way to be a more profitable moving company without sacrificing service is to provide an outstanding customer experience each and every time.
Call the Right One
If you are looking for moving companies Columbus OH residents, call us to get an estimate. There are very few licensed movers that are able to offer the same level of service at such a great price. We hope you have gained some valuable insight from this article. Call us today. (614) 475-1389.